I wrote: 'You can use Calman Client as a pattern generator but not as an ICC profile manager' NO need for a method to make it work. That's all to it, and happy display calibrating. If all goes well, then CalMan will connect with the CalMan Client 3 and you can start using that for generating the patterns to calibrate the display.Plug the IP address found in the about box into the configuration of CalMan and hit connect.
The resulting dialog box will give you all the info needed to connect the client to CalMan software Hint: Right click on the calman client 3 in the taskbar and click on About. The Calman Client 3 will detect the monitor and minimize to the taskbar. Give any user name and e-mail id and hit download. No need to worry about Calman Client 3 and license, it is already included in the Calman software and I could get the pattern generator working.